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    Hi! Running into the same issue as others with test 17 and i don't understand what's wrong. The code encodes and decodes fine running Python locally, but this is the output from running it here:

    Message to encode
    I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. William B Yeats (1865-1939)
    Encoded message
    'ibb \x81z\x8f~ \x8c\x89\x8bz} \x86\x92 }\x8bz', '\x86\x8c \x8e\x87}\x8b \x92\x88\x8e\x8b \x7f~~\x8d; m\x8b', 'z} \x8c\x88\x7f\x8d\x85\x92 {|z\x8e\x8c \x92\x88\x8e \x8d', '\x8bz} \x88\x87 \x86\x92 }\x8bz\x86\x8c. p\x82\x85\x85', '\x82z\x86 r~z\x8d\x8c (1865-1939)'

    Could you please point me in the right direction?

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    Thank you, TOAST3R. I'm working with Python, so I've changed to itertools.combinations, but that didn't fix it. The solution still works on the Examples, but on the Attempt it just shows this Time: 1610ms Passed: 0 Failed: 0 Errors: 1. It's not hitting the time limit anymore, but it's not telling me what that 1 error is, so still stuck

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Anyone willing to nudge me in the right direction? I have to code working, so it's able to correctly identify the triangles. But as I expected, it's hitting the 12s run limit for perimeters > 1400. The 3 nested for loops I'm using are most likely the problem and I was never really good with trigonometry. So ... help?

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    This. At least, in the python case, I forgot about the test for a length of 10 and was still able to pass the test suite. That should be fixed.

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    My solution passed even though i don't check for length of the walk

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    That info should be included in the description, maybe?

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    Thank you for your answer!

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    Do not modify the original array

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    Do not modify the original array

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    There is a problem with the random test... My function returns the correct answer (inverted array) but your random gives always an error.

    Random Tests
    [1777, 1954, 1170, 63, 1855, 861, 1376, 417, 527, 292, 1031, 447] 12
    ✘ [447, 1031, 292, 527, 417, 1376, 861, 1855, 63, 1170, 1954, 1777] should equal [1777, 1954, 1170, 63, 1855, 861, 1376, 417, 527, 292, 1031, 447]

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    Same story. Do you need to see the code?


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    Hi, I can't reproduce this issue but I modified the random tests. Try now.



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    Can you explain this? The test list is not empty, so why is it expecting that?
    Random Tests
    [1762, 581, 1253, 1550, 918]
    ✘ [918, 1550, 1253, 581, 1762] should equal []