LOL that is the truth! XD Most of the tests pass but the ones with extremely large numbers are returning smaller values than expected. I am scouring my code to find where any number might be cast to a type that is truncating it. Still no luck. I shouldn't be running into any problems with the coefficients or exponents themselves. I would have thought that the too-big-for-types would only crop up when solving for x. Maybe I am wrong about that or maybe there is a long somewhere that is implicitly casting one of the results that I have when using BigInteger. It's late. I'm tired. I'll poke at it tomorrow. I am super happy that the code is working fine for all test cases that don't try to return the size of the cosmos in cubic milliliters. XD
Edit (next day): Yup yup! I found that I had one long in my calculation that was implicitly casting a subcalculation to the maximum value of a long. Swapped that to a BigInteger and it's working like a champ now... but I am getting errors (mine, not with the kata) on resolving a "-" that is being passed in with no context. lol That is a problem I'd much rather be working out than digging for casting problems. XD
LOL that is the truth! XD Most of the tests pass but the ones with extremely large numbers are returning smaller values than expected. I am scouring my code to find where any number might be cast to a type that is truncating it. Still no luck. I shouldn't be running into any problems with the coefficients or exponents themselves. I would have thought that the too-big-for-types would only crop up when solving for x. Maybe I am wrong about that or maybe there is a long somewhere that is implicitly casting one of the results that I have when using BigInteger. It's late. I'm tired. I'll poke at it tomorrow. I am super happy that the code is working fine for all test cases that don't try to return the size of the cosmos in cubic milliliters. XD
Edit (next day): Yup yup! I found that I had one long in my calculation that was implicitly casting a subcalculation to the maximum value of a long. Swapped that to a BigInteger and it's working like a champ now... but I am getting errors (mine, not with the kata) on resolving a "-" that is being passed in with no context. lol That is a problem I'd much rather be working out than digging for casting problems. XD
Thank you.
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