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    Expected: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670:/", instead got: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670" Again, see the :/ in the expected value. That's what your test is expecting, and it's wrong, I believe. Cheers for those 9 hackers (as in great programmers).

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    Expected: "RE 13001:Gordon Road Atlanta/5:/", instead got: "RE 13001:Gordon Road Atlanta/5"
    See the Expected... So that extra ':/' should be part of the solution then?

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    Are you sure? I changed my code to fail in the first attempt and got this:

    Expected: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670", instead got: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670:"

    The 'instead got' statement is the output of my code. The Expected, then, is the expected output of the test, so the test is appending that extra ':/' to random tests, it seems. This is ruby

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    Expected: "RE 13222:Gordon St. Atlanta/2:/", instead got: "RE 13222:Gordon St. Atlanta/2"

    I'm constantly getting the the extra :/ for random test. Is it a problem with my solution?

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    substring method on StringBuffer's API returns a String object.