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    Really nice kata on algorithms optimization and dynamic programming to exercise with.

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    Thanks! Yes, I found O(n) solution and passed tests successfully

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    Great, I'm glad it makes sense. Good luck!

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    Thanks for the replies mozkomor, sorry I didn't see your first reply it never notified me.

    Your explanation makes sense to me. I think the wording just tripped me up and I thought there would be subarrays given to us.


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    The final tests contain 50 tests with ~1k elements and 10 tests with ~20m elements. Make sure you can pass all within the timeframe of your language.

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    That is not right, as your path starts at the montain of height 1 and ends at the mountain of height 6, so energy it took is at least 6 - 1 = 5. Energy constain in my example is E = 3.

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    I think the longest mountain pass in your example is [1,2,3,4,6,6] so the answer should be (6,2), because 5=(2-1)+(3-2)+(4-3)+(6-4)+(6-6). No?

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    Hi! There is a solution with O(n) time complexity. Good luck!

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    Hi! When I try to attempt Java17 solution I get exception "Timed Out (16000 ms)" in randomTests. My solution has O(n* n) and I optomized it with multithreading. That give me speed about 11 sec on local mashine with array of 10000000 size. Is there any better solution? Or is it problem with codewars server?

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    From the Problem Description section: You start at any initial index of your choice..

    Consider the first mountain as the start.

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    The sample tests seem to imply that climbing the first mountain costs no energy. This seems odd. Don't we start at height 0?

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    You are given a mountain range (an array of mountain heights) and your task is to find the longest mountain pass (the longest subarray given the energy constrain).

    For example, for a given energy constrain E = 3 and a given mountain range = [2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6] the longest mountain pass you can take is [5, 1, 2, 3, 4], which has length 5. You would return the tuple (5, 1).

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    I'm having trouble understanding the mountain pass subarray. Are we given it?

    I'm particularly confused by this:
    "A mountain pass is defined as a subarray of the mountain array. The length of a mountain pass is the length of the subarray."

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    That would be great. looking forward to it.

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    time to approve now?

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