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The kata is broken again. Everything seems ok locally, but here I can't neither test nor attempt my solution because of the following error:
I added a translation of this Kata over to Idris, adapting the structure of the code as close as possible (except moving (:<:) from a typeclass (interface in Idris) to a data type that covers all 3 instances similar to the Elem datatype in the Idris standard library.
Idris is a functional language like Haskell, but with a Dependent type system instead. It also, unlike Haskell, uses Strict instead of lazy evaluation.
I'd appreciate any help or suggestions!
Description should be language-agnostic
The link to Data Types a la Carte in the description is dead
I completely and fully agree with you - this kata is 6kyu at best. I personally feel somewhat at odds with myself now that I pretty much got free points off this kata - I was really hoping for an exciting headscratcher in OCaml.
A lot of the difficulty for me in this one was trying to understand exactly what the task was. Once, I finally figured that out, the actual Kata is actually pretty good, but I don't think it's super clear from the description or the provided test cases as to what the actual task is.
W is a Monoid
please post as a 'suggestion', not an 'issue', and add a link to the translation
I feel that this kata is free elo. It is way too easy for 2nd kyu kata. In every other language You have to sweat a lot to find/write solution for 2nd kyu kata (personal opinion). I was just starting in OCaml (8 kyu) and while looking for suitable kata for me i found this. Firstly i thought that there is going to be a trap somewhere and I will spend a lot of time solving it, but i got a little bit upset when i didn't find any. It feels more like 5th/6th kyu katas (easier ones from them) than 2nd kyu…
I've pushed a cpp version translation which is completed by user @SPA004, and I've got his authorization.
I've solved the kata!
why this kata is recommended for me who's a 5kyu beginner ... :|
I am in the same situation now. Do you have any tip on what to look out for?
Edit: After posting the spoilers from moonberry where revealed. It was indeed related to
Finally fixed in 2022.
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