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    I think a)

    And I think it's a good kata for that.

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    I originally wrote it to only be Jaden tweets. Authors weren't given versions of languages at the time or approval/editing for translations at the time. I'd let someone else maintain this if I could as I haven't been very active on the site in like a decade or something.

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    if the the user goes from NarcissisticNumbers kata to this kata

    I assume this means you're following katas that you see on frontpage. This isn't a great idea, and the katas you get may be quite random and not related to each other. You're better off just going to kata selection page and choose katas on your own.

    How do I access the rest of the tests?

    Print the input to console. Sample tests usually have few tests, and 'attempt' mode has a lot more. Info about printing to console