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    That's great, thanks. I have managed to find about 20+ simple ones, so I can't say there aren't any.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Good points, thanks for taking the time to comment :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    Worth pointing out - maybe this can be addressed on the site somehow.
    I have had several friends give up on the site after looking at it for a day and not finding enough simple problems.

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    Again, this Kata is a 7 kyu and involves some interesting use of arrays and possibly loops.

    Perhaps, I need to create simple katas that don't mention FizzBuzz or multiples of 3 and 5 - otherwise the kata's look repetitive.

    Thanks for the feedback.

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    These are not duplicates.

    The first one involves arrays. The second one string replacements with case sensitivity.
    Some people just need more practise around if statements and general structure of functions.
    Far too advanced for a complete beginner.

    I appreciate your point about the tests not being good enough though. I wasn't sure if it was going to be published in the first place, so I made do with minimal tests.

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    Hi, thank you for the feedback.
    This was my first Kata.

    I have been advising some friends to practise on CodeWars but they find the Kata's too advanced for a complete beginner.
    Not enough simple Kata's for them to practise and get a hang on things before they come across arrays, regex and other challenges.
    So I tried to create a very simple one.

    Can you give me the link to the Kata which this is a duplicate of?
