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    python fork to resolve below issue.

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    I'm pretty sure my code is fine. But every random test fails. The fun thing is the log. The function is supposed to return [] whenever a random test calls the function. Although the transfered parameters seem to be ok.

    [['LgU', 158197, 98136.10125730225, 175824, 31026.166560142232, 'QvLwFyOnbrGlbA', True, 43883.99588471937, 'gnkulmoEj', False, True, True, 48920.197460530726, 400777, 2432.1946183860905, 158050, True, 909729, False, 54963.098936784496, True, 676980, True, ' BYHCBnRJrQNtu', True, 10083.498434039326, False, True, 64126.39236539656, True, True, True, 38612.39665249145, 98670.70172618936, True, 196378, 'P', 882745, 'dvM', False, False, False, 'MdNYUoCRttpt NU', True, 49548.0095400296, 424439, False, 'ILSY', 99991.35571430688], ['xzTkvGWW', True, False, True, 'cRnggVrzWX', 737096, 51965.40170630645, 'DO oKvA', False, 976612, True, 630789, False, 'fckwTEUn', 719589, False, True, 'NItbEJLCHSf', 'LxJpvvKWzM', 538345, 'nVgQKTRyqq', 'McAupfCRLv', 'iBZfsrMRzG', 'gRQmkKmZStp', 86068.21312360706, 'n qLndAQLNuWUS', 'Ko', False, ' zRkMelb', 717171, 'lTnQVy', 68168.07637673714, 912302, 40963.92320175413, 35652.52535795826, 88261.62942848416, False, 16749.589336335845, 847632, 411519, 29774.94284839854, 34556.922238308616, 30198.579303748647, 26498.6986082473, 707182, 46498.1427862117, 'lC', 35707.61265011996, 258941, 21862, 64298.705375245016, 847452, 85007.24177169616, True, 'hKadg lx', 368368, True, False, True, False, True, 73295.66622983688, 732665, 51681.718654491655], [True, 89811.87779971746, 23879.92717354483, 67447.60276751663, True, 20164.537797756744, True, 22409.84499421772, 747624, 69550.57434726573, False, 'KLMyepKuv', 813704, 578576, True, 678597, True, 77161.26152760022, True, 'QqK', 97670.64094181887, 43807, 51064.09735014849, False, 816458, False, 'qVpLa ', 29639.419495891798, True, 'WdtmeXqiU', 7332.809907294307, 741247], [651925, 'thmcsXUCM', 'UJGgL', 'lp', 'DJYgVMv xNxANm', 79251.5175930782, 'UDslVIrIAXqEo N', 434443, 175285, False, 77246.36241928967, 279868, 872148, 300093, 152325, 549189], [37941.37591196464, False, 79336.59030235323, 180859, 'Beb', True, True, 55380.56312505622], [37843.81528960253, 50090.03831110834, 'chzRbmS', 540118], [69006.81951421512, 65749.5101571285], ['Egm'], [True, 'aewZTLmC'], [263505, 'NxDHFzs', 238642, 345960], ['UQxwrWvEotTQfTD', 'cpPhyJUGi', False, True, False, False, False, 6055.100461124791], ['aWzipXoNYS', True, 516646, 841104, 81426.84491752811, 77585.90812387639, 'lEbDJX', 'Ws', False, 'IP', True, True, ' RLNWfCutVUyCF', 'IE', 87356.62980331684, 907503], ['HkNQmdZdhgnQ', 699836, 248147, 497316, 48799.562892082795, False, 462241, 'KXAvRVDOlYb', True, True, True, False, 821911, True, 39855.24826062088, 29976.027125064156, 26235.399252580475, False, True, True, 32023.200350920764, False, 42171.64187627445, 'IAOwSuMSQZ', True, False, False, 'ZkviKOESCwfXoY', 183610, True, 'JtpmgyCLIGMSG', 52784.474184117615], [39879.5434162669, 'xp', True, 'EA', False, 49048, 41725.097549954626, 548368, True, False, 23741.136131998013, False, 650442, 27738.269990065524, 95486.86731457362, 802559, 462402, 752255, 410977, 'K', 121712, 92012.67713175196, 857933, 187755, False, 91907.0555253902, 504848, 'tgt', False, 'FQJhKU', 938479, False, 18473.765573957568, 63974.10812947115, True, True, 26078.716473594654, 'Cfp ', True, False, 835656, 31929.998314012577, 83320.08015565567, 'bPWwg', False, True, False, False, 'hCFg', True, 3733.3226015377945, 439600, True, 83613.06655729467, 54386.989669787385, 346085, 921577, 31066.983296930037, 32971, True, False, 1862.5416289064524, 75340.36000415894, False], [83824.42873553322, 263915, 80868.92764293666, 167228, 'KgcgRY LTgruZQo', True, False, True, True, 'NSPWuIM', 91088.93581663149, 37441, False, 'TFQpYnb', 'lkgN', 'MKkFVNDdSgwZ ', 53081.147508625385, 'l', True, 'sLoNkMFAGa', 58165.37559021035, 813083, 88238.86949807407, True, 27391.29640347364, 7352.098138093414, 77442.21107776914, True, 416340, ' ', 31224.258679417795, 90857.65402131986, 30713.49885378522, 233611, 'dmELdRuOQdsTd', 1341.9076125500646, 204652, 913284, False, 33331.57505039289, 44404.31249024908, 309391, 252317, True, False, 'pJO', 41103.73903546702, True, 26454.762183616047]] should equal []