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    updated JS, freezing the object and its arrays. Added a note about that to the description.
    That should resolve that problem.


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    ok, now this is understandable.

    first point: I bet you're mutating the lists using reverse without creating a copy. So there are 2 problems here: 1/ you shouldn't mutate the constant object, and 2/ the general design isn't good (I'll see to add a check that the data isn't modified)

    second point: smallest amount of bank notes should be used means that you should use the smallest amount of bank notes, not the bank notes with the smallest amount.
    edit: I misread the order of the log message, lemme check further
    edit²: ok, I checked, and with a correct solution, the reference solution is returning the "should be expected result", meaning: 3 * 500 EUR, 1 * 200 EUR, 1 * 50 EUR, 1 * 10 EUR, 1 * 5 EUR. So I guess it's actually the very same problem than the first point.

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    what do you even mean...?

    if you open issues, plz do it properly, not using only vague sentences. Here, if Iwere about to tackle this I'd have no idea what this is about. Closing. Feel free to open a clear and detailed issue, tho.

    Generic message, so that we're on the same page about some definitions (most doesn't apply here, but I'm confident you'll find what is relevant by yourself)

    • Issue: problem in the kata itself (description, wrong tests, wrong internal solution...)
    • Suggestions: well, I guess that part is clear
    • Question anything else that is related to you having a problem solving a kata -> that's you, currently.

    When you post issues:

    • provide ALL the useful information:
      • language
      • input
      • outputs (actual expected) when relevant
      • error message when relevant
    • check, DOUBLE check that this IS an issue, meaning that the problem is in the kata itself and not in your code. If it's in your code, post rather a question
    • if you pass this step, you still have to prove/explain what the issue is (and if you can provide fixes, it's even better)

    When you post a question: well, most of the above apply too x)

    When you post code, use proper github markdown, so that it's readable.


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    oops, sorry about that. I'll be more cautious next time

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