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    ATM PIN codes have not meaningfully changed format since 1967. YAGNI.

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    Unless you want to maintain some dead code or another too-generic hell,
    you probably don't want to anticipate that much, especially on such a simple piece of code.

    That is what uses cases and product rules are for:
    if a rule is meant to be changed at a later point, you simply rewrite the rule and delete the old one.
    Also you can't be sure that a rule is meant to evolve - it can be discussed at some point and then it can be cancelled - or the rule is not meant to be changed at all.

    The same logic applies to this kata: the description gives a simple rule, kata are not meant to be changed after leaving beta, so the rule is not likely changing at any point.

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    its a 7 kyu challenge, wdym?