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    expected:<[]2-1-4-7-48-3-648> is the correct answer, which is 2-1-4-7-48-3-648 whislt your code returns --2-1-4-7-48-3-648 (2 leading dashes).

    The [] are just there to indicate the difference in your answer and the correct one.

    Read this for more info

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    Why am I getting just with EdgeCases Test two this Error and every other Test does work: expected:<[]2-1-4-7-48-3-648> but was:<[--]2-1-4-7-48-3-648>. Cant understand where the difference to the other tests is and why my code fails on this one. I even tried to replace those Symbols in the beginning before the 2 with .replace() and substring but they do not delete it. Im using Java.