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    Good to know that some katas have performance requirements, looking forward to reach those.

    I've added a comment to the github issue. I wouldn't be so quick to claim it is impossible, this is a platform made by coders for coders after all :)

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    Actually, I think there is room for this feature.

    the calculated time could be attached to the submitted solution, and when listing the solutions you could sort them by time.

    I've explained here why this is impossible. Some other factors are not mentioned there, but it's more than enough to explain why such feature cannot be added.

    As I understand correctly, I could write a terribly inneficient solution and still pass the kata?

    This depends on the kata requirements.

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    If you want to solve katas where perfomance matters, look for the tag Performance.

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    Sorting makes it a N*LogN solution, while it can be done in N.

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    Sorting isn't cheap. Isn't there a way to evaluate the efficency of a solution?

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    Actually, I think there is room for this feature.
    I see that when I submit a solution, it is timed!
    Therefore, the calculated time could be attached to the submitted solution, and when listing the solutions you could sort them by time.
    In any case, I would greatly appreciate such a feature.
    As I understand correctly, I could write a terribly inneficient solution and still pass the kata?
    If so, I think I prefer other sites so that I get pushed to write efficient solutions.

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    There's no such feature, and there won't be one, as the test setup is provided by CW users.

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    Hi, I'm new here.
    In some of the competing websites, they give you a sense of how efficient your solution is.
    I assume they run it against a very large N and time it, compare the time to other solutions, etc.
    From the first couple of problems I solved on the site, it didn't seem to have that feature.
    Does it depend on the excercice itself? Or is there no such feature (yet)?