The description for this kata is not very thourough. it doesnt say what should happen incase of a number with one digit, and it doesnt really give any example cases.
In the attempt 1 and 0 are treated differently than other single digit numbers which does not make sense, so I believe the solution is broken.
This kata is named "Armstrong Number" but Armstrong numbers are defined slightly differently, see Wikipedia and
The description for this kata is not very thourough. it doesnt say what should happen incase of a number with one digit, and it doesnt really give any example cases.
In the attempt 1 and 0 are treated differently than other single digit numbers which does not make sense, so I believe the solution is broken.
There are also no sample tests.
It's a double.
The other kata is not exactly the same, but this one does not have any added value over the other one (or the other way around) really.
See Forum -> Kata Best Practices -> Make Sure Content is New, or, identically really, the Wiki.
Since there is no way for you to unpublish the other kata, this issue would not seem to be resolvable short of unpublishing this kata.
The instructions could say something like "your function should return true if the number is an Armstrong number or false if it isn't".
The idea is good, but it needs Example Test Cases and Random Tests.
Seriously undertested.