Thank you for debugging this. I was sloppy while doing refactoring and not testing code one more time.
Are you sure that it's completely necessary to be so much defensive? I don't think that this hacky way of solution is excepted from "warriors" who want to learn the language. It is entertaining of course to solve problems in such a hacky way but my goal was "to provide a problem which is simple enough for beginners to walk through".
I haven't managed to find how to propose the kata's translation, so I have created new kumite and translated it to kata to discuss it with my learning group later this week.
Could you guide me to this "pending python translation"? maybe I could help in accepting it faster.
Thank you
I don't think it's an issue though
Unfortunately I cannot read python code without indents, so I can't help you now :(
Please use markdown to preserve code block.
Thanks. I have updated the description
I don't think it's a fight. I think it's my contribution.
Thank you for debugging this. I was sloppy while doing refactoring and not testing code one more time.
Are you sure that it's completely necessary to be so much defensive? I don't think that this hacky way of solution is excepted from "warriors" who want to learn the language. It is entertaining of course to solve problems in such a hacky way but my goal was "to provide a problem which is simple enough for beginners to walk through".
I even didn't want to add those "random tests" as here
I haven't managed to find how to propose the kata's translation, so I have created new kumite and translated it to kata to discuss it with my learning group later this week.
Could you guide me to this "pending python translation"? maybe I could help in accepting it faster.
Thanks to @fr0ggy for carrying those random tests
Hey, thanks for this translation. Is it OK to have python-code in problem description when it supposed to be solved with JS?
Do you have any links to those facts? Are them publicly available?
I don't think that some warriors behavior is a proper reason for me to change my behavior.
RIP very interesting kata with good tests
I don't buy it.
I think that this "hardcoding the results" contradicts the spirit of education and I think it's an imaginary problem.
You may have opposite opinion and I hope it's data-driven.
Again. I don't think it brings significant value.
All other comments are addressed now
Thanks for quick feedback.
I have added sample tests and removed prints from the description.
I didn't get the idea behind
I have switched default version to python 3.4. What else should I do to make it "compatible"?
I have doubled number of tests
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