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    why use a different iteration method for the first list ?

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    Yeah, the code failed for most of the cases cuz i made it exclude non-unique prime factors (my understanding of k-primes definition). Now, it works perfectly, but for one last random test lol.

    Thanks for the fast response th.

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    I am aware that 40 ppl has passed it

    I am very sorry, the C tests are not broken. Not only 40 ppl passed this test but it is common to all languages so 868 ppl passed it. I tried many C solutions and all were fine. I am afraid something is wrong in your code. I also tried your solution with other tests taken from "ATTEMPT" and you fail every one. Cheers.

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    Tests for C are broken! Please take a look into it! I get this: Expected 2, got 3.

    I had the same issue in sample tests what drove me crazy. At the end, I found that the problem is in the first test there were 3 consecutive primes and not 2. Check it yourself:
    int a[] = {10081, 10071, 10077, 10065, 10060, 10070, 10086, 10083, 10078, 10076, 10089, 10085, 10063, 10074, 10068, 10073, 10072, 10075};

    I am aware that 40 ppl has passed it, but the fact that there is an issue in the sample tests made me frustrated. I debugged the code it passed all sampe tests (after correting the aforementioned one).

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    Try to add the case when n = 2 ie arr = {1, 4} => 5 and arr {-10, 2}. My code had that bug (since I had to convert it from recursion into iter) and it passed the tests.

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    careful, tests didn't caught a bug in it (2nd if cond).

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