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    Hey @newman-afk - you're not too stupid to solve it, it's just that you have to solve exercises in order of difficulty: the concepts you learn from solving lots of 7,6 kyu help with the 5, then onwards on to the 4 etc :) Everyone goes through the same process, and it just takes time to learn that's all.

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    Hey @newman-afk and welcome to Codewars!

    As you can see, this is a 4 kyu kata so it's intended to be a bit more difficult - in general, beyond ~kyu 6 simple brute force approaches are unlikely to work. You need to find a smarter approach.

    In the test cases, there are example inputs such as:

    exp_sum(275), 1520980492851175

    that's a very big number to reach with exhaustive enumeration!

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    kata hint != kata suggestion (also use spoiler flag please

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    Please use Solutions section to discuss solutions. This is not a kata suggestion.