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    I think this kata would be better with another name like 'special palindrome' or 'ninja palindrome', given that it contains some exceptions, also as @parabola949 says, try to improve the description.

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    Thanks for creating this. However it is a duplicate of the nth fibonacci kata. You can add C# support to that kata as a translation.

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    The soloution from user bryjamus managed to pass. So test cases like "abca" are missing. Where first and last letter are the same but is still not a palindrome.

    public static bool IsPalindrome(string w)
    var arr = w.ToLower().ToArray().Where(x=>Char.IsLetter(x));
    return arr.First() == arr.Last();

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    I have passed all but the last (valid special character test) However, I'm having difficulty debugging because there is no example anywhere of what a 'special character' is, and neither can I see the actual test in the test description.