  • Default User Avatar

    I made mine handle multiple concurrent '-'/'_' in case. Not many solutuons would pass this test.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Nice. Additionally the description could include a hint on wether multiple '-' / '_' are something to worry about as input (e.g. "camel___case--this").

  • Custom User Avatar

    Awesome :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    Correspondign example has been added to the description.

  • Default User Avatar

    Test cases for random numbers sometimes does not include the possibility of having 9 digits in the middle of the number. If this happens, sometimes code accomplish well the task because these random tests are missing and in other cases it will fail in these cases.

    Examples like 9999 -> 10000, 999 -> 1000, 99 -> 100, 9 -> 10

    Programming Language: C

  • Custom User Avatar

    The description could use an example like [9,9] => [1,0,0], showing that the length of the returned array is expected to change.

    Otherwise, this behaviour can come as a bit of a surprise for more staticly types languages.