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    I know how to return, but why doesnt it work when there is a return in the constructor?(i commented it out)

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    What is the use of the model?

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    Thx now i can see them again, but it expects there to be like 888 or 900 consec numbers needed for some arrays, and when i print the array length, only 100 or so numbers are in the array.

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    the random test cases dont appear to show up when submited so i cant see what i get wrong. i pass 4/104 tests but i dont know why.

    Maybe its my bad internet aka frontier that makes this happen

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    in javascipt, i pass 23/50. The huge grids like 240 and 32 are just waaay too difficult for me to visualize at the moment. nice kata tho.

    but pls help me visulize it better. here is how i visulize it:

    take the smaller value(take length if its smaller or width if its smaller), and subtract it from the other. so if you have 20 and 14, you take 14 away from 20, so you have 6.

    What this does is take away a 14x14 part of the rectangle so ur left with a 14x6 part of it.

    now time to subtract 6 from 14 so you get a 6x8 rectangle

    so now:

    can you do a 7*7 square? no because 7 is greater than 6, and wont fit inside the rectangle.

    howbout a 6x6? yes, because a 6x6 can fit in a 6x8. so now subtract 6 from the 8 so u have a 6x2 rectangle.

    can a 6x6 still fit in a 6x2? no

    can a 5x5 fit?no. A 4x4? no. A 3x3? no

    a 2x2? yes. Now will a 2x2 fit in a 6x2 still? yes. subtract 2 from 6. now its 4x2. can a 2x2 still fit? yes. now you are left witha 2x2. obviously 1 more 2x2 can fit.

    What can i improve in my visualization??? thx

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    im sorry im new to java. I started programming fom javascriot. Anyways, i keep getting the error "cannot find symbol", even when i comment out everything in the public void sqintrct or whatever the function is called.I already know how to get the squares, i just need help with this. pls help, and thx in advance. Also, iwant to know why you put a list while declaring the void, and the difference between arraylist and list.

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    im confused.

    7^2 = 49.

    are you supposed to square 49, and add their digits together? that would be 7.

    49^2 = 2401

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    btw, how do you colaberate with other people?

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    what about ngative numbers?

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    but then i wonder, why would a code that causes recursion be considered good(clever, and best practice)? In a part of a book i read, it condemns code like this.

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    Even thoug i passesd by repeatedly clicking the submit button, i still would like to know why tose erros occured. thx

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    thanks for the tip. I now pass 61/64 tests.
    they say for my above test:
    Expected: F, instead got: F

    Expected: j, instead got: j

    thx in advance

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