The ludicrous amount of random tests make it very hard to debug user input. I had an off-by-one error which caused 4 out of 2000 random tests to fail, and it was hard getting information on the inputs that caused these failures simply because of the huge number of tests given.
That being said, this error might not be caught if the amount of random tests were simply decreased. I would recommend adding fixed tests to test for rare edge cases instead.
What edge cases would you like tested with fixed tests? I honestly can't think of any. Without edge cases, I see no overriding need for fixed tests.
There is the point that existing solutions are only invalidated with new fixed tests, not with new random tests, but again - without edge cases, how can there be new fixed tests that would invalidate existing solutions?
Example tests are nice to have, I agree. But you can, you know, type 'em in yourself. This is not adressed by kodejuice below, but it might be a design decision. What is the overriding need for example tests?
Please note I'm not closing your issue. But I would like you to amplify on it.
the funniest solution on this site!
this had me in stitches laughing :)
I put a lot of effort in this one. But finaly quited and unlocked solutions because my regex skils aren't good. Can someone explain the solution?
How the hell this passed tests???
Ok, thank you 😂
You colud at least remove console.log ...
The ludicrous amount of random tests make it very hard to debug user input. I had an off-by-one error which caused 4 out of 2000 random tests to fail, and it was hard getting information on the inputs that caused these failures simply because of the huge number of tests given.
That being said, this error might not be caught if the amount of random tests were simply decreased. I would recommend adding fixed tests to test for rare edge cases instead.
So your issue is that your code modifies its input. Which is not a kata issue.
( The kata issue, vulnerability to input modification, has been raised separately. )
Which is a problem because this.
What edge cases would you like tested with fixed tests? I honestly can't think of any. Without edge cases, I see no overriding need for fixed tests.
There is the point that existing solutions are only invalidated with new fixed tests, not with new random tests, but again - without edge cases, how can there be new fixed tests that would invalidate existing solutions?
Example tests are nice to have, I agree. But you can, you know, type 'em in yourself. This is not adressed by kodejuice below, but it might be a design decision. What is the overriding need for example tests?
Please note I'm not closing your issue. But I would like you to amplify on it.
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