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    The second bonus value would be 1. So, you'd count 10 for the strike, 10 for the bonus on the strike, 10 for the spare (9/) and the next ball rolled as a bonus on the strike. So imagine a game if the first three frames looked like this:

    X 9/ 23

    So, the X would be 20 points (10 + 10), the 9/ frame would be 12 (10+2), and the 23 frame would be 5.

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    I am less impressed: it fails horribly when parentheses are nested like in 2^(3*(1+4)+1).

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    First and foremost, i want to give kudos to all of you guys that has completed this keta ahead of me, you guys are some baddass genuis. But the guys that provided this solution, i wish i could come tap from your brains a little loll.. like this is so crasy and amazing, it took me a whole lot of time (days) to complete this keta, i almost gave up but eagerness to see other people's possible solution for this keta makes me to strugle until i passed the advanced tests of this keta. once again kudos to those that solved this keta and the person that created this keta, i appreciate extreme coding like this

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    wow... thanks, now this is very clear, never understood that next two miles of a thing until now,
    thanks once again

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    Write the function that parses the mileage number input, and returns a 2 if the number is "interesting" (see below), a 1 if an interesting number occurs within the next two miles, or a 0 if the number is not interesting.

    11209 + 2 = 11211 <- (The digits are a palindrome)

    The same for 109 (111 matches the "Every digit is the same number" criteria too).

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    please am having real problem understanding this keta, why does isInteresting(11209, [1337, 256]) return 1, i really don't understand.
    and why is 109 return 1, someone should please explain this to me thanks

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    am still yet to understand this challenge completely, what will be the second bonus value to be added to 10 when you have 'X' followed by '9/'.
    As in, is (10 + (9 + ?))

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