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    Thank you!

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    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

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    The sum of an empty array is perfectly well-defined; it's the addition identity ( which is indeed 0 ).

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    Agreed. I removed the test cases regarding input validation.

    I kept the sentence in the description though. Mainly for the case when you pass an empty array. I believe it helps to understand what is expected in that specific case.

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    Couldn't agree more

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    It should specify what to do in edge cases where you can't actually scramble the strings.

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    please add more random testcases. Needs to see as many corner cases that can break the code for better understanding

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    Description is internally inconsistent.

    .. which accepts an array of integers ..


    If the sum cannot be calculated, 0 should be returned.

    Also, this is implemented completely arbitrarily.

    In Haskell, the sum can always be calculated. In JavaScript, there are tests with all sorts of weird unspecified Non-Arrays, but if the input is an Array, it's always an Array of Numbers.

    There is generally no good reason to pollute kata with input validation; if anyway, the description should just state plainly input validation is to be performed instead of hinting that the sum might be impossible to calculate, and it should be tested better ( more consistently across languages is, unfortunately, just plain impossible. the Haskell description might be adjusted for that ).

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    It's... A corner case. Means you should print the input to see what's your function is fed with and so you'll be able to understand why it fails.

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    Help us help you. Tell us which language you're having this problem with, and markup your code as code ( with correct indentation! ).

    It looks like JavaScript though, in which case: console.log is your friend. Look at the inputs.

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    Haskell translation kumited.

    Please review and approve.

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    Python translation kumited

    Please review and approve.

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