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    @hobovsky it seems you had a typo on your post up there:

    It means that for n=414, the expected answer is 114, and your solution returned 441. Or following one:

    It should be 144, not 114.

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    I see, but how would 114 be expected from 414? Shouldn't it be 144?

    From 414, the expectected answer is 144, and not 114. I think you are still reading something wrong, but it's difficult to tell for sure without seeing your code.

    there's numerous other people complaining about incorrect expectations for solutions

    Most of the people do the same mistake as you: they misread test feedback and mistake expected for input, or get something else wrong. I tried to improve the messages, but it's difficult to guard against every possible mistake :)

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    You are reading the logs wrong. For example, the message is:

    Incorrect answer for n=414: 441 should equal 144

    It means that for n=414, the expected answer is 114, and your solution returned 441. Or following one:

    Incorrect answer for n=100: 10 should equal -1

    For n=100, your solution returns 10, which is not really correct.
    Additionally, your solution crashes for some specific types of inputs.
    Your solution is buggy, it's not a kata issue.

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    you did raise an issue though. don't do that, they are meant to report bugs within the kata

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    your code being too slow is not a kata issue ;-)