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    Is learning how to write a slow, inefficient code in your favorite language a good lesson? According to some, yes.
    Is learning that a good solution to a problem is often generic, and can be achieved in any language, a valuable lesson? According to some, no.
    Is it true that the most valuable skill in programming is writing fors, ifs, loops, and functions? According to many, yes.
    Is it true that finding a way to solve a problem with a computer in a way which is quick and cheap is an important aspect of programming? Apparently, not.

    You are saying you are here to learn Rust. Are you here to learn how to write good solutions to problems with Rust, or are you here to learn how to write poor solutions to problems with Rust? Ability to write ifs in loops in ifs in loops and make your computer choke on a simplest problem is not a really valuable skill, is it. Ability to find good solutions to domain problems, on the other hand, is something what marks a skilled programmer.

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    Please use spoiler flag next time.

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