If there is a problem with rounding, your solution is wrong.
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this kata is simpler than it actually is, if you have a problem with large numbers (keep it simple, make the solution simpler)(PHP)
array error, can't be done in php if you just look at the array that comes in the test, then the values are in ascending order. But if, without any action, just return it, then it sorts it first by odd keys, then by even ones. WTF
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If there is a problem with rounding, your solution is wrong.
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this kata is simpler than it actually is, if you have a problem with large numbers (keep it simple, make the solution simpler)(PHP)
array error, can't be done in php
if you just look at the array that comes in the test, then the values are in ascending order. But if, without any action, just return it, then it sorts it first by odd keys, then by even ones. WTF