#just woke up from a random dream where I had a student explained to me this very simple algorythm. 
#Seems pretty usless to me unless anybody can think of an actually use??
#crazy simple but the dream was so vivid I just had to put it down hahahaha
def power_rooter(num):
    total = 1
    while num > 1 and num//2 == num/2:
        num = num / 2
        total *= num
    return total

I have undertaken a study of recursion. I find myself reaching for it fairly consistenly to solve different Kata but often find my understanding of certain concepts laking enough that I end up going with an iterative approach instead.

the goal of this was to produce in exponent notation the prime factors of a number.

The problem with this one is that because I created a new dictionary at the top of primeFactoring and because there is not an array or dictionary passed into it I ended up creating another function (factorPart) to fill the dictionary.
even ignoring all the messy formating code the solution seems convoluted.

What would be a better approach and what concepts should be understood to improve this answer?

def primeFactoring(n):
    dict = {}
    output = ""
    for d, v in dict.items():
        if v > 1:
            output += str(d)+"^"+str(v)+" X "
        else: output += str(d)+" X "
    output = output.strip(" X ")
    print(dict) #key being the factor and value being the number of occurrences
    print(output) #formated in exponant form
    return output
def factorPart(num, dict):
    x = 2
    while x <= num:
        if num / x == num // x:
            dict[x] = dict[x] + 1 if x in dict else 1
            return factorPart(num // x, dict)