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    I just ran into the same issue and your reply is not of any help. The description didn't specifically say why lmmgegeeijaigfdkcaeghicc shouldn't pass for 105860ymmgegeeiwaigsqkcaeguicc.

    I know I might be missing a hint but that's what questions/discussions are meant for, to point you in the direction of the hint you are missing not in the direction of the number of people that have solved the kata.

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    Damn, this is so clever!

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    This is a good kata but the description is so poorly written. It took me 3 trials and reading through the discussions to finally understand what the kata is trying to achieve. I should not have to read the discussions to understand a kata.

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    I first thought this should not be a 7kyu kata but a 4kyu kata, then in five minutes I saw there is really a relationship between these numbers. Spent about two hours working out the relationships and translating them into codes. Submitted my solution, saw others solution, laughed at myself so hard!

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    "" should return [] and not [""] in my opinion.

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    The description really needs serious improvement.

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    This comment is a million times better than the kata description.

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    long long result = al * bl;

    This is exactly where the job lies, you are suppose to implement the multiplication.

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    Ok, just replicated (got) the error now. Don't think it's from the kata though, I strongly believe it's from Codewars.

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    Please try function max(){console.log(arguments);}! That's what I tried before and still tried now before posting this and console.log worked perfectly. I think the problem is coming from Codewars itself not from this kata. You can as well check through the kata Inital solution, and test cases, there is no where console.log was disabled or tampered with so I don't understand where the error is coming from!

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    All I am saying is an empty array on it on [] or no arguments are all evaluates to zero (i.e. max() or max([])) but when you have. Yes Unnamed mentioned it should have been NaN awhile back but I thought it was too late to change. [[],[4]] however should evalaute to [4] not [0,4] if I am correct?! (Please correct me if I am wrong)

    If you think it's not too late to change max() or max([]) to NaN, I will gladly correct the solution because I feel that's where the confusion is coming from

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    This is actually not a bug! Ok, I admit it wasn't included in the description.

    Empty argument gives 0 as result (i.e. max() gives 0). That was included in the description. But [[],[-4]] will evaluate to [-4] not [0,-4].

    Adding that how!

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    I checked before marking this as solved. If codewars comments accepts pictures, I would have attached my screenshot. And there was no evaborate anti-cheat, just

    Math.max=function(){return NaN;}
    Math.min=function(){return NaN;}
    require=function(){return null;}

    Don't see how that affects console.log!

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    How does disabling Math.max and Math.min affects console.log? And read the description again, its clearly stated that both Math functions are disabled

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    An example is right there in the description. Here is it again...

    Say you have 1,000 Naira in your account and want to invest the 1,000 Naira for 90 days at 13.5% interest. Only 966.71 Naira [i.e. 1000 - (1000*(13.5/100)*(90/365))] will be deducted from your account and 1,000 Naira paid back after 90 days.

    But you don't want that, you actually want the whole 1,000 Naira taken from your account and not just 966.71 Naira so you have to calculate the capital to invest. In this case, you should have invested 1,034.43 Naira at 13.5% for 90 days so 1,000 Naira is deducted and 1,034.43 paid back after 90 days.

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