@GiacomoSorbi Hello :) Don't focus too much on function building, this is really an exercise on understanding precedence. The inspiration was understanding why in the simplest possible code, 3<2<1 could yield true. This kata builds on that.
@bkaes Naming functions isn't my strength, admittedly. I think i've left enough hints for people to figure out what i'm getting at. If I continue to get more complaints I will rethink my approach to this particular kata.
Ok. i've added a hint. As the description says, the function just has to return a boolean. It's simple enough that I can't think of adding anything else without giving away the solution.
The description has also been amended to specify that the arguments don't have to be ordered in any strict manner.
thanks for catching that :)
Done. Let me know if you need anything else.
sounds good! i'll let you do what oyu need to do first then i'll approve. thanks as always Giacomo.
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Noted, thanks!
This kata does not take two arguments, it takes a single array with 2 string elements as indicated by the examples.
Thanks! Added to description.
Edit: I've actually edited the code, it will not filter out falsy values any more.
I'm marking this issue as solved, since this Kata has been completed successfully 14 times and upvoted 12 out of those 14 times.
woops! thanks for catching that.
@GiacomoSorbi Hello :) Don't focus too much on function building, this is really an exercise on understanding precedence. The inspiration was understanding why in the simplest possible code, 3<2<1 could yield true. This kata builds on that.
@bkaes Naming functions isn't my strength, admittedly. I think i've left enough hints for people to figure out what i'm getting at. If I continue to get more complaints I will rethink my approach to this particular kata.
Ok. i've added a hint. As the description says, the function just has to return a boolean. It's simple enough that I can't think of adding anything else without giving away the solution.
The description has also been amended to specify that the arguments don't have to be ordered in any strict manner.
Approved :)
Are you on Gitter ever? I am having trouble with another kata I authored, maybe you could help me with !!
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