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    as i64 is error-prone for u64. Consider to use i64::try_from alternative.

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    consider to replace unconditional n as i64; by i64::try_from(n).unwrap();.

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    my haskell code doesn't pass a test

    should support finding peaks, but should ignore peaks on the edge of the array
    expected: PickedPeaks {pos = [2], peaks = [3]}
     but got: PickedPeaks {pos = [2,4], peaks = [3,2]}

    Unfortunately the test input doesn't appear and I couldn't reproduce it. Actually neither of the edges of the input array could appear in output of my implementation because they will be removed explicitly.

    Does anyone have a hint with regard to the test input?

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    Is there a particular reason you are using read . return in digits?
    Why not digitToInt