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    Maybe change the "10" to "T", so that it's one character, just like all other ranks.

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    I'm still getting small discrepancies in the payment function, for example:

    $89778 in cash was used to pay for $45383: 44390 should equal 44395

    I don't know how to debug this.

    If the test for total() already passed, why wouldn't this work?

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    In the example given in the description, where you say "miles per revolution", do you mean "revolutions per mile"? I'm treating it that way in my solution, and it's working.

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    How sure are you of your implementation? I'm only asking because I'm consistently failing ~50 random tests every time I run the trainer, but pass everything else.

    Just so we're clear:

    • the winning player for each hand takes all of the played cards during that hand?
    • any round where one player doesn't win all of the point cards is considered a failed shooting the moon?