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    Terrific kata! It took me a long time to understand the challenge and then about the same length of time to figure out how to solve it, but I felt I really learned something and I don't think I'd change anything. Kudos!!!

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    Nice kata and good tests. :-)

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    Ooos, I left debugging statement in there. Is there any way to delete a solution after submitting?

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    Glad to hear downvotes likely to go away and I agree that this is a nice community. :-)

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    When you say "user", do you mean the person developing the method to satisfy your written specification and your test? Or do you mean the person invoking the method?

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    Jake, the concern that I have is that the word "possible" in "as close to 100 as possible using only integers" implies that the proximity to 100 is something other than just an outcome of the rounding process. To address the concern about the accessibility of "modulo accumulated rounding error" being over people's heads, how about "plus or minus any rounding error"? Anyway, whatever you end up doing is fine. :-) I'm sure folks will figure it out either way.

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    Did you see my previous comment about the description language, Jake?

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    As you may know, there's quite a bit of controversy on MSO about downvotes on questions and answers, particularly when not leaving a comment as to why. And as you probably know as well, downvotes on comments are not allowed on any SE site, although they do support flagging.

    For the discussion areas of this site, I think upvotes plus flags is the right combination, as has been done in SE for comments. If you want to treat downvotes like flags, I suppose that's ok, but I think a direct "flag" approach would be a little clearer.

    Downvotes on solutions is a different matter and seems more like the SE Q/A downvoting situation (MSO aside, which has a separate culture). I personally am of the "downvotes should need to specify a reason" persuasion, but I know this is an emotional topic.

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