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    I already hid your solutions, no need to worry about them. But note that you cannot rely on "not pushing submit" to be sure that your solution won't show up. most of the times it will show up anyway after some time.

    So the usual course of action is to dumb down your code, if you solve the hard one first, or to begin with "bad" ideas if you begin with the easy one.


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    I'm very sorry @Blind4Basics - I'm just starting with code wars and only realised after doing this kata that you don't have to submit your code for it to count as solving the kata. Is there any way to unpublish? I've looked around and can't seem to find one and this seems to indicate it might not possible?

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    Next time you go through a series like this one, don't post solutions that pass the hardest version in the easiest ones, thx.
