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    Note that math.ceil() already returns an integer... The cast made with int() could be seen as redundant... Great solution by the way :P

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    Very easy with python !

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    That happens when your code isn't right (the tests are added to the end of your code). For instance, deleting pass in the initial code and clicking run sample tests, will give you this:

    File "<string>", line 11
        Test.assert_equals(feast("great blue heron", "garlic naan"), True)
    IndentationError: expected an indented block

    Because all that text didn't enter in one line you see the caret pointing at the space you mentioned. Hope it helped clarify why it happened.

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    I'm deeply sorry, this "arr[len(arr] - 1]" was a typo... I have submitted the same code that caused the error and it worked flawlessly now... I therefre cannot quote the error, but it involved a syntax error in ine of the sample tests. From what I can recall, the error ocurred in the space between "garlic" and "naan" in the following line: "Test.assert_equals(feast("great blue heron", "garlic naan"), True)". It is not much help, but that's all I remember... Sorry for the incovenience.

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    • what's the error message exactly?
    • check that you didn't forget to close parenthses somewhere. EDIT: found: arr[len(arr] - 1]
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    When trying to attemp the kata the simulation throws syntax errors involving the tests... I have tried doing it in Python.

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    You are welcome. Please do feel free to ask more questions if such arise in the process. I'm sure most C fans here including myself will be glad to help you.

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    I believe it is already marked as an spolier. Thanks again!

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    Thank you, we've all been there. After all, I think we are all beginners in some domain.

    Could you please mark your solution as having spoiler content? I'll reply what's wrong with the code in the next post.

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    Hi @lilsweetcaligula;
    Thanks a lot for taking the time to look into my code. It really helps a lot and I really appreciate it. Thanks for encouraging us beginnners!! You rock!

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    Could you please post your solution here and check the "Mark as having spoiler content" box? I'll take a look.

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