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    I know, just saying is not best practice to use it. Have a great day and happy coding :)

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    nice solution, although using eval is not recommended for security reasons.

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    "for" loops are the fastest. Any other function does that internally anyway.

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    I managed to do it in the end ! very nice kata. I learnt a lot ! Well done guys !

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    How can size property be not enumerable, writable nor configurable ?
    I was able to change the value of property size when writable = false && configurable = true OR writable = true && configurable = false.
    If they are all false there is no way to change the value of the property size. Am I missing something? Any suggestion?
    Thank you !

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    same problem here, I dont know what to do. anyone can help us? haha

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    Hey, I was wondering if it is possible to use jQuery methods.
    I'm cloning my objects using "jQuery.extend(true, {}, vectorToClone);"
    but it is not allowing me.

  • Custom User Avatar

    This is the best solution for me. Well done ^^

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    For me it's not clear when the function should count the number of integers or characters, and when count the number of the occurrence for a string given.

    In this call countCombinations('93049', '\d'); , what happens if I call it like :
    countCombinations('93049\d', '\d');
    Should it return 1 ? or 5? or 6 ?
    Same issue with countCombinations('Five ', '.'); for characters

    Unless "\d" and "\d" are keywords to know what to do in each case. Otherwise Im confused!

    Thanks ! ^^