Fwiw, I believe ToLowerInvariant should be preferred aswell, since ToLower is apparently slow for some reason. 6 years later, but still, maybe someone will read this ;)
Honestly the 0x20 is me just being terse. When this is compiled to IL code it converts the hex to an integer (32). So all we're really doing here is screening the characters that we know fall into the proper ascii range, and then bitwise and/or the character to switch the case (basically adding or removing 32, which is the distance between upper and lowercase chars).
This is faster than the built-in methods on Char, but this code also doesn't take culture into account, so it's probbaly not a totally fair comparison.
Fwiw, I believe ToLowerInvariant should be preferred aswell, since ToLower is apparently slow for some reason. 6 years later, but still, maybe someone will read this ;)
you can just use int.Parse(string);
and return that instead of using "TryParse"
Unnecesary System import ;-)
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I'm an idiot =(
description updated
saw this code after ive completed mine, and rialized, im a total n00b ...
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Just now saw your reply. Actually saved me in checking for cases the other day. Unfortunately saw this too late... <3
Why instantiate a new marine in the ctors?
Honestly the 0x20 is me just being terse. When this is compiled to IL code it converts the hex to an integer (32). So all we're really doing here is screening the characters that we know fall into the proper ascii range, and then bitwise and/or the character to switch the case (basically adding or removing 32, which is the distance between upper and lowercase chars).
This is faster than the built-in methods on Char, but this code also doesn't take culture into account, so it's probbaly not a totally fair comparison.
Just change "Digitize(int n)" into "Digitize(long n)" and it should work...
I didn't submit the C# version. Not sure how to resolve this. I can't delete it.
Very interesting solution, explain please why you use 0x20? I don't understand how it works)
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