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    There are submissions which fail the description. I've seen a couple that would fail on an array of [-2], just because if there's only 1 element, they return that element. The details clearly state for all negative numbers, return 0. Basically, you cannot return a negative and the tests do not explicitly include an array with only negative results, even though that's explicitly stated in the details.

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    You can either specify that the Python version must return a different item or ask Jake (afterall, he has the power!) to change the code (possibly just giving him what needs to be copy&pasted).

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    I realize that now. It was a merged solution and I didn't catch it when I approved it. Not sure if I can change it at this point.

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    But since there is no test for this case you could submit a solution that doesn't return 0 if all numbers in the list are negative.

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    "If the list is made up of only negative numbers, return 0 instead."