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    Yesterday, I mentioned that there was an issue with random tests, and I couldn't express the error accurately at the time. However I am now sure that it is an Overflow Error due to the large matrixes which causes different results for each primitive type. There needs to be a limitation on this!!!!

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    The issue was related to the returned double variable from .pow() method Thanks for your kindness

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    I've marked your last comment as spoiler. I think Math.pow uses doubles, and there might be some truncation errors or something.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    your solution timing out is not a kata issue

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    i'm pretty sure my code works since i'm passing all the other tests but for some ridiculous reason, i cant get through the random test. i'm willing to risk not getting any points so i'm going to open the solutions and test them now

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    What is the problem?!?!?!

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    Java random tests have problem!!!

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    Oh man! I just spent three hours staring at my code trying to figure out what the heck i did wrong. At this point I'm convinced it just doesn't work

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    you are mistakenly training the C version, not the C++ one

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    In the C++ Kata, When i copy the function in my editor the part "const int matrix[size][size]" makes gcc to throw the following errors:
    "a parameter is not allowed" and "use of parameter outside function body before ] toke"
    I'm uncertain how to make this function header work? And how would you pass a matrix in a real C++ application?

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    while solving this kata, I got frustrated that I didn't even realize I forgot to multiply by the cells of first row🤦‍♂️

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    Would you show me your code?

    Idk how to see it

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    I tried to solve this problems not by recursion but with gaussian. The determinant I found for the matrix of 5x5 seems to be correct, but the test is showing me a strange "expected false to be true". Since the determinant is a number I can't figure out what is wrong here.
    The kata simple said you should return the determinant not the way you should figure it out or am I wrong?

    Might try to solve it again by using recursion but still confused why my solution is not accepted.

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