The description clearly states the second example is a valid BST which it isn't or am I incorrect in that statement?
' you will write a function that will validate that a given binary tree is a binary search tree. '
please provide a reference to a binary search tree definition that states a reverse order is a valid binary search tree.
I feel like the most common definition of a BST has all of the left nodes <= the root node and all right nodes > the root node (ascending order). Allowing descending order BSTs is a nice twist but I think it should be mentioned in the instructions.
The description clearly states the second example is a valid BST which it isn't or am I incorrect in that statement?
' you will write a function that will validate that a given binary tree is a binary search tree. '
please provide a reference to a binary search tree definition that states a reverse order is a valid binary search tree.
Second Example is NOT A VALID BST! and the corresponding test is incorrect
by definition, valid BST's have the following properties :
Although the tree traversal meant to be used here is not inherently a BST property, its output is, which is the key to the solution.
what is incorrect? can you elaborate?
this is not a BST problem. it is a general BT problem. why put a misleading title?
C++ translation
Please, review and (hopefully) approve.
Done ;-)
Fortran 2008 should be enabled...
It seems to me that random tests occasionally include duplicate numbers what is explicitly mentioned in the task description as not happening... :-(
I feel like the most common definition of a BST has all of the left nodes <= the root node and all right nodes > the root node (ascending order). Allowing descending order BSTs is a nice twist but I think it should be mentioned in the instructions.
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