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    Translation rejected (bad function name in sample tests, deprecated version and other types and variables changes needed).

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    Fixed C and C++ test code. Sorry for the oversight.

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    Cool kata.
    Same occurs for C - took me some time before I realized source of not correct values.
    Would be cool to add odd numbers of a and b to basic tests for next who will be trying to pass this kata.

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    Yes, now it works for me too.

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    Should be fixed, please check ;-)

    (The reference solution used to calculate carmichael(2) = 0, which I've fixed)

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    Tickets, please!

    Can you solve the best route to travel, when you have some half-price coupons in your pocket?
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    Why does the test say for example for n = 2903225426

    Expected: 0, instead got: 60453792

    When clearly 60453792 should be the correct solution, even Wolfram Alpha confirms this.

    PS. And it's the JS version I'm trying, (if there are others :D)

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    aaaaah.... Good point. I will add a test for that, thx. :)

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    Mmmmh, that's weird, because I have some tests that should have seen that kind of problems. Maybe there are several intricated things, in your faulty code?

    Do you remember what kind of command was exactly involved? add? bounder? add_chaining?

    I have currently things like this:

    #Invalid \"bounder\" command resulting in butyne skeleton with valid operations:
    Molecule().brancher(4).bounder((3,1,2,1), (3,1,2,1), (3,1,2,1))
    exp = ['Atom(C.1: C2)', 'Atom(C.2: C1,C3,C3,C3)', 'Atom(C.3: C2,C2,C2,C4)', 'Atom(C.4: C3)']

    Here, during the last bounding and from what I understand of what you said, it feels like your code should have failed because you'd have gotten something like:

    'Atom(C.1: C2)', 'Atom(C.2: C1,C3,C3,C3,C3)', 'Atom(C.3: C2,C2,C2,C4)', 'Atom(C.4: C3)'
    should equal
    'Atom(C.1: C2)', 'Atom(C.2: C1,C3,C3,C3)', 'Atom(C.3: C2,C2,C2,C4)', 'Atom(C.4: C3)'

    Obvisouly, that's not what happened to you, so I wonder what is the underlying "other" bug... :o

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    I mean the case when we make a bond but it is invalid and will throw an Error. I was still making X bond to Y but then the execution would fail and throw an error (because I was testing the valence-ok:ness separately, not testing both first and only then making the bonds if ok, as it should be done). I guess the fixed tests doesn't include a test for this situation, at least I passed them with my then faulty Atom.connectTo -method.

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