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    For the sample test ("this is a test", 4) , it says that the output should be "this\nis a\ntest" - this is wrong?? Instead should it not be "this\nis\natest"?

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    Hi, apologies if this is the wrong forumn, but this happened while I am solving this kata.

    For some reason I noticed my rating (402) is not increasing as I answer questions and submit them corretly? Has anyone else had this problem?

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    Can someone clarify the test cases for me please- shouldn't [1,2] -> [2,4,] and [1,3] -> [2,6].?? But this seems too easy. My understanding is that for each input pair of integers, we need to find a pair that produce the same fraction when the first element is put on top of the second in a fraction; and we want to reduce D, the second integer of the output pair- is this correct?

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    I'm still confused, with this logic wouldn't all cubic numbers just be duplicated? But I see for other tests there are some cubic numbers not duplicated in the output. Apologies- I've never struggled to understand a kata as much as this!

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    What??? The input is "0 9026315 -827&()" - what do you mean sumOfCubicNumbers??

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    Thanks akar, I understand it a bit more now! But for the above example, why is the output "0 0 Lucky"? I would expect it to be "0 Lucky"- as you have broken it down? Where is the second 0 coming from?

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    Can someone please explain the question in more detail, because I feel like I'm misunderstanding it. We are evaluating packets of 3 right? However for the input: "0 9026315 -827&()" ; I am told this should return "0 0 Lucky". But the way I understand it, it should not! Because for the 0's in the input, the only packet of 3 we have is 090, which is NOT a cubic number.

    Am I understanding the question wrongly??

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    It works! THanks for that. I know how to debug, but just wasn't so sure about the inputs, but now they all appear.

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    It does show the log of some of the tests that have passed, but not all of them. And it DOES NOT show the logs (input) of the log where my test failed.

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    Thanks for the replies, I still have no idea how to do this- how can I specify to print the input of the failed test? I read the article but don't follow- or at least I can't see how to print the input of the failed tests. Any help would be great- even if it is a one line code to demonstrate an example. Cheers

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    I failed one of the tests but passed the rest- but I can't seem to see the test case that I failed, just the result! Is there any way I can see the test cases by clicking something? I clicked on the small red circle with the exclamation mark, but nothing happens.

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    I got the same answer!

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    Hi, my code passes all 199 tests but fails 1. Is there a way to see what the inputs of this faild test is? I see a "!" next to the failed test but it doesn't let me click it.

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