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    Fun kata, just a suggestion to improve the description.

    I didn't understand what "replace the letters between them with their number" meant, and the example didn't show what the word "number" refers to. Please consider changing to "replace the letters between them with their character length" or something similar.

    Then in the example, "EbnhGfjklmjhgz" --> "E12z" --> "E3z" might be revised to "EbnhGfjklmjhgz" --> "E12z" ("E" + 12 = length of "bnhGfjklmjhg" + "z") --> "E3z" ("E" + 12 => 1 + 2 = "3" + "z")

    Hopefully will make it user for users :)

  • Default User Avatar

    Fun kata, thanks!

    Note, typo in the description:

    "Otherwise, it is the preset moment." -- should be "present" :)

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    Please fix the typo:
    "Take the first letter of each word an put it at the end"

    Should be:
    "Take the first letter of each word and put it at the end"

  • Default User Avatar

    Fun kata, thanks!

    Please do consider rewording this note in the description:
    "Mad Max has attempted to confuse you by adding extra numbers into elements of the array that are divisible by 2 exactly."

    I understood this to mean numbers/elements in the array that were even, when it intended to mean even indexed elements (not the elements themselves). Maybe reword to:
    "Mad Max has attempted to confuse you by adding extra numbers into elements of the array, those whose index are divisible by 2 exactly."

  • Default User Avatar

    Very much agree. Especially clarifying what specifically we're asking the coder to verify in terms of "date is today or not"

    Also referring to something specific like the date object, which I'd recommend a link to, at the minimum:

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    Interesting kata. I'd recommend adding examples in the Description, as well, rather than having the user decipher it from the test cases.

    For example, a sentence like:
    "Given a sentence and number N in the argument, output the CSS, followed by the HTML with each word in the sentence. Each word is separated by a space and the HTML should apply only to the Nth character.

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    For the description, can it be noted that which of the arguments is the start value, step and stop value? It's not clear, so requires the user to refer to the examples to figure out which is which if one or more are not declared.

    Consider adding a few sentences like:
    "When one parameter is defined, assume it to be the stop value with a step of one. When two parameters are defined, assume they are the start and stop values, respectively, with a step of one. When three parameters are defined, assume they are the start, step and stop values, respectively."


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    Agreed, it's challenging to understand the required task.

    Consider rewording:
    "Sum of each number in array separately exponentiated to the power of n, decreased by the sum of originnal numbers in given array."

    to something like:
    "For the given array, calculate the sum of each value to the n-th power. Then subtract the sum of the original array."

    Along with an example:
    Input: {1, 2}, 5 --> (1 ^ 5 + 2 ^ 5) - (1 + 2) = 32 - 3 = 30

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    Typo in description: originnal


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    Agreed, it's not clear that duplicates are to be removed, nor the extra newline

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    The instructions/description is not very helpful. I'd highly recommend 1) re-wording it and 2) adding some examples.

    For 1), maybe something like, return the numerical values in the array that are greater than or equal to the "start" and lesser than or equal to the "end"

    For 2), maybe just copy/paste two of the test cases, then add some description to how the test case results were achieved. For example, for the array [...], the values [...] were included because they fell in the range of the "start" and "end". The values [...] were excluded because they were outside the range.


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    I can understand how the meme itself pokes fun of the sentence, but the sentence in of itself is racist at a minimum, regardless of context.

    Like @tachyonlabs notes, please do consider changing it (Javascript) to virtually anything else, and it'd be less offensive.

    Here are a few examples, I just Googled random English sentences:
    -What would you do if you saw a man from another planet
    -She spent many days knitting a sweater for him
    -Just looking at some books on how to learn English

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    Please consider noting blank/cases with just spaces should return an empty string. Else the user is forced to do random tests to see the intended desired output.


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    Neat use of those backticks in lieu of ('') -- is that an ES6 shorthand notation?

    Tried some Google searches, but didn't have any luck with documentation of it

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    In the Javascript version, could "Run Sample Tests" be revised to return a more helpful response? It only shows:

    Expected: 'expected', instead got: 'actual'

    Without displaying either the expected or actual output. It'd be much appreciated to display the actual desired output and test code output


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