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    replaced with re.fullmatch

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    The 0 answers do make sense, but that the target floor can't be 0 is weird: what if the egg breaks even if dropped from floor 1? then there is no maximum floor from which the egg won't crack and the logical answer (to the actual floor determination problem) would be 0.

    And all of this is sort of a problem because it can lead to some off-by-one errors due to this 'floor zero' thing. I think this has to be clarified somehow in the description.

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    Quite unsurprised, tbh. It seems that O(n^2 log n) and occasionally even worse solutions pass quite easily in this kata, and with memoization it's trivial to do it in O(n log n)

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    Given that a big amount of computational problems do involve quite some math and algos, not just pure knowledge of the language itself, it seems rather fitting at this kyu level.

    Even more so, the problem is tagged "number theory" and "algorithms", so yeah, probably you researching the related math is indeed what the author had in mind.

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    (Python) Testing with the search function (as opposed to match, for instance) is kind of weird, as it forces you to insert the beginning-of-line anchor. It might be good as a challenge (forcing you to look at the test code for once) but doesn't really correspond to best practices as I know them: When you use a regex for verification, you almost always use re.match (or even re.fullmatch, though that is rarer, seemingly).