  • Custom User Avatar

    That's a really good point. I added another.

  • Default User Avatar

    Also, I need to mention that I'm happy that you actually noticed that. My inspiration for including abc1 and abc2 was because an alphabet is a generalizable concept that other cipher katas hadn't generalized. I call my "Simple Substitution Cipher" simple, because you could easily offer a list of symbols in place of a single symbol.

  • Default User Avatar

    After reviewing, I actually do have that in the test suite. You can see that using "Show Kata Test Cases" once you've completed the kata. Meanwhile, I can't get past

    for(var i=0;i

    in your solution when trying to view it here, so I've reported that (Codewars probably forgot to escape HTML with some update, but that's okay because Codewars is awesome and will respond).