I'm using Ruby to solve this. If I run Math.cbrt(216) % 1 in CodeWars I get 8.818 etcetc. But when I run it in irb I get 0, as expected. Anyone know what's up with that?
am I missing something? this test failed, but my result seems to match the expected.
Expected: "Phone => 1-908-512-2222, Name => Peter O'Brien, Address => High Street CC-47209",
nstd got: "Phone => 1-908-512-2222, Name => Peter O'Brien, Address => High Street CC-47209"
I haven't gotten my code to pass the tests but maybe an if statement would do it? i.e. if n**3 + (n-1)3..+13 does not equal or is greater than m, return -1. again, I haven't passed this yet so maybe I am speaking out of turn but maybe this might help you!
learn about arithmetic progression.
I'm using Ruby to solve this. If I run Math.cbrt(216) % 1 in CodeWars I get 8.818 etcetc. But when I run it in irb I get 0, as expected. Anyone know what's up with that?
Why no translation for Python 2.7? :-)
code's gotta go red before it goes green!
I am having the same problem. Giacomo this is the book you are recommending correct?
`each': failed to allocate memory (NoMemoryError)
Yes, I guess it was a space issue, and like others have observed, the console removes them. Thanks, for the kata.
yes thank you that worked!
Check your spaces, when they are displayed on the console spaces are trimmed between words.
am I missing something? this test failed, but my result seems to match the expected.
Expected: "Phone => 1-908-512-2222, Name => Peter O'Brien, Address => High Street CC-47209",
nstd got: "Phone => 1-908-512-2222, Name => Peter O'Brien, Address => High Street CC-47209"
if anyone needs it, this helped me to make the binary numbers
I haven't gotten my code to pass the tests but maybe an if statement would do it? i.e. if n**3 + (n-1)3..+13 does not equal or is greater than m, return -1. again, I haven't passed this yet so maybe I am speaking out of turn but maybe this might help you!
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thanks! nice Kata!
Good work!
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