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    There is something what could be helpful then: kata-authoring-help gitter chat. You can go and talk there about your new idea, or even when you author new kata you can give us a link to it before publishing, while it's still in draft. Drafts are not publicly visible, but are still accessiblia with direct links. This way, you won't risk it will collect downvotes or be immediately retired, and it can be eventually easily deleted.

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    sort of, yes. But there is a "problem" with the beta process: everything that is in beta is already part of the database and of cw itself.

    Some time ago here is the kind of problem that led to: if the author didn't update his kata accordingly to what users were asking from him, not much could be done to prune the database from "low quality content". Hence, the "auto"-retirement process was introduced, so that low quality content could be retired without action of the author. But on the other hand, that transformed the beta process into some sort of hammer. The "philosphy" of it is now "retire everything that is too low quality as quick as possible, even if it might have potential, to have more chances we don't end up again with a new bad kata stuck in beta forever"...

    So the quality at publication time is critical for a beta to survive, now. You should read those, so that you get a clearer idea about what's expected:


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    Yes, and the point is also to sort out the katas that are up to a certain standard - this one didn't hit that standard :-) But worry not, you can create another kata (or even the same thing), hopefully with better result next time.

    A word of advice: fizzbuzz is not exactly a new thing on CW... see: