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    Loved this one.

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    Worst kata I've seen in my whole life.

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    Yes. Copying the input instead fixed it. Never had this problem before so I had no idea it was even a thing. I've noticed some Katas mention mutating inputs in their description, but never actually knew why. Thanks!

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    C# - Clearly something going on with random tests. Logged input and output and this is what I got:

    4500, 733, 4976, 9018, 8542, 4520, 9616, 5532, 4302, 6802, 1606, 1265, 9465, 2552, 7297, 2718, 2495, 2752, 3031, 9920, 6172, 5303, 385, 1202, 9738, 2355, 8739, 6243, 1340, 8043, 8160, 9237, 5294, 4386, 9016, 7802, 9730, 3961, 932, 4706, 5700, 2688, 629, 8813, 7524, 1255, 8957, 7794, 6844, 1672, 1215, 7540, 8370, 5425, 2237, 9196, 353, 3780, 9280, 6192, 5781, 3378, 4198, 6258, 8641, 2369, 5971, 5084, 3536, 9495, 2988, 8533, 1826, 8325, 4226, 3490, 4680, 1572, 3677, 8488, 3398, 951, 9399, 9667, 6833, 625, 872, 9868, 2155, 9819, 7455, 5955, 4681, 4739, 8925, 2327, 8489, 4370, 177, 5161, 5284, 3878, 4263, 7349, 8683, 2682, 5720, 51, 1204, 8747, 4521, 8781, 108, 797, 2800, 4835, 3979, 4530, 9425, 8022, 1502, 6102, 2935, 3716, 2045, 7032, 3857, 7087, 1905, 5000, 316, 1400, 8516, 3210, 9520, 6687, 2055, 990, 4156, 4905, 826, 8670, 3408, 8673, 5853, 3890, 1944, 4096, 8347, 3964, 4945, 3664, 9181, 948, 552, 5309, 1656, 8824, 8632, 652, 9299, 3752, 4211, 7386, 1591, 7586, 3280, 8147, 1929, 3546, 5274, 3123, 681, 7432, 9526, 8412, 3372, 1185, 9967, 5148

    9967, 51, 9920, 108, 9868, 177, 9819, 316, 9738, 353, 9730, 385, 9667, 552, 9616, 625, 9526, 629, 9520, 652, 9495, 681, 9465, 733, 9425, 797, 9399, 826, 9299, 872, 9280, 932, 9237, 948, 9196, 951, 9181, 990, 9018, 1185, 9016, 1202, 8957, 1204, 8925, 1215, 8824, 1255, 8813, 1265, 8781, 1340, 8747, 1400, 8739, 1502, 8683, 1572, 8673, 1591, 8670, 1606, 8641, 1656, 8632, 1672, 8542, 1826, 8533, 1905, 8516, 1929, 8489, 1944, 8488, 2045, 8412, 2055, 8370, 2155, 8347, 2237, 8325, 2327, 8160, 2355, 8147, 2369, 8043, 2495, 8022, 2552, 7802, 2682, 7794, 2688, 7586, 2718, 7540, 2752, 7524, 2800, 7455, 2935, 7432, 2988, 7386, 3031, 7349, 3123, 7297, 3210, 7087, 3280, 7032, 3372, 6844, 3378, 6833, 3398, 6802, 3408, 6687, 3490, 6258, 3536, 6243, 3546, 6192, 3664, 6172, 3677, 6102, 3716, 5971, 3752, 5955, 3780, 5853, 3857, 5781, 3878, 5720, 3890, 5700, 3961, 5532, 3964, 5425, 3979, 5309, 4096, 5303, 4156, 5294, 4198, 5284, 4211, 5274, 4226, 5161, 4263, 5148, 4302, 5084, 4370, 5000, 4386, 4976, 4500, 4945, 4520, 4905, 4521, 4835, 4530, 4739, 4680, 4706, 4681

    Test Failed
    Expected is <System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Int32]> with 0 elements, actual is <System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Int32]> with 180 elements
    Values differ at index [0]
    Extra: < 9967, 51, 9920... >

    Here's from another run:

    6868, 9021, 9720, 5672, 453, 9297, 4984, 8283, 7854, 1996, 4810, 3808, 1036, 2525, 754, 954, 9980, 9765, 1142, 7592, 2801, 9072, 1476, 1608, 566, 3553, 8919, 5430, 7829, 1537, 1930, 8905, 2368, 7596, 504, 3427, 2058, 867, 1216, 110, 9336, 2438, 6224, 4730, 3405, 3154, 1217, 5266, 9963, 3463, 4663, 4818, 9328, 4734, 7795, 7550, 8117, 5112, 6899, 383, 9553, 459, 6323, 72, 5904, 1446, 3439, 2027, 7327, 2671, 7927, 8904, 9926, 7487, 3465, 6639, 5252, 6878, 7160, 404, 7708, 170, 7866, 8073, 7266, 4093, 3039, 2867, 2708, 5877, 171, 6945, 3967, 838, 556, 8882, 6114, 6158, 8825, 1965, 9715, 9190, 7939, 7298, 5535, 5759, 4891, 1847, 1275, 1162, 2304, 1245, 7952, 6501, 2675, 9389, 2592, 8250, 2805, 1817, 8406, 577, 9318, 1456, 2505, 988, 4942, 9093, 6936, 4582, 530, 8052, 5200, 688, 8517, 2230, 574, 2543, 1513, 9201, 1198, 1598, 1552, 3578, 8926, 8992, 7465, 8162, 1167, 6295, 7864, 3359, 7013, 3559, 9143, 9871, 6489, 4798, 4553, 822, 5798, 4910, 6692, 637, 3210, 3192, 2757, 5818, 4158, 7165, 2023, 5712, 1298

    Input Count: 173

    9980, 72, 9963, 110, 9926, 170, 9871, 171, 9765, 383, 9720, 404, 9715, 453, 9553, 459, 9389, 504, 9336, 530, 9328, 556, 9318, 566, 9297, 574, 9201, 577, 9190, 637, 9143, 688, 9093, 754, 9072, 822, 9021, 838, 8992, 867, 8926, 954, 8919, 988, 8905, 1036, 8904, 1142, 8882, 1162, 8825, 1167, 8517, 1198, 8406, 1216, 8283, 1217, 8250, 1245, 8162, 1275, 8117, 1298, 8073, 1446, 8052, 1456, 7952, 1476, 7939, 1513, 7927, 1537, 7866, 1552, 7864, 1598, 7854, 1608, 7829, 1817, 7795, 1847, 7708, 1930, 7596, 1965, 7592, 1996, 7550, 2023, 7487, 2027, 7465, 2058, 7327, 2230, 7298, 2304, 7266, 2368, 7165, 2438, 7160, 2505, 7013, 2525, 6945, 2543, 6936, 2592, 6899, 2671, 6878, 2675, 6868, 2708, 6692, 2757, 6639, 2801, 6501, 2805, 6489, 2867, 6323, 3039, 6295, 3154, 6224, 3192, 6158, 3210, 6114, 3359, 5904, 3405, 5877, 3427, 5818, 3439, 5798, 3463, 5759, 3465, 5712, 3553, 5672, 3559, 5535, 3578, 5430, 3808, 5266, 3967, 5252, 4093, 5200, 4158, 5112, 4553, 4984, 4582, 4942, 4663, 4910, 4730, 4891, 4734, 4818, 4798, 4810

    Output Count: 173

    Test Failed
    Expected is <System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Int32]> with 1 elements, actual is <System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Int32]> with 173 elements
    Values differ at index [0]
    Expected: 4810
    But was: 9980

    Sample tests look like this and is working fine:

    Input: 15, 11, 10, 7, 12

    Output: 15, 7, 12, 10, 11

    Input: 91, 75, 86, 14, 82

    Output: 91, 14, 86, 75, 82

    Input: 84, 79, 76, 61, 78

    Output: 84, 61, 79, 76, 78

    Input: 52, 77, 72, 44, 74, 76, 40

    Output: 77, 40, 76, 44, 74, 52, 72

    Input: 1, 6, 9, 4, 3, 7, 8, 2

    Output: 9, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4

    Input: 78, 79, 52, 87, 16, 74, 31, 63, 80

    Output: 87, 16, 80, 31, 79, 52, 78, 63, 74

    So what's up?

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    Is this even possible using C#?

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    Wow. After completing this and seeing the other solutions I can confidently say that I was overthinking this one. It was fun tho. Great kata!

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    I don't remember what was going on, but I finished it right after posting this :P

    Edit: I still don't understand how 10 is a peak in that random test. Didn't touch the input at all, only read values.

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    Random Test in C#

    Testing for 7, 2, 12, 11, 16, 3, 14, 10, -2, 2, 14, 14, -4, -2, 13, 1, -2:
    Values differ at index [3]
    Expected: 10
    But was: 14

    Here's my printed lists:
    pos: 2, 4, 6
    peaks: 12, 16, 14

    How is 10 a peak, but 14 isn't?

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    Came back to this one after a month.
    Tried to print the inputs this time and this is what I've got:

    // This is what it looks like for every test except random
    Number: 1
    Array: -32
    Array: 12
    Array: 8
    Array: -10
    Array: -2
    Array: 4

    It prints the target number and the numbers in the array. As expected.

    // This is for the random test
    Number: -862
    Number: -862
    Array: -862

    Seems like it's giving two target numbers and an array containing only one number.

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    This one was fun. Thanks for the kata :)

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Didn't expect to see Buckethead here :)

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    Apparently C# doesn't support Tail Recursion. Only workaround I found was this thing called Trampolining, which effectively is a loop.
    I don't think this can be solved using recursion (I think it times out due to huge stacks) in C#, which kinda defeats the purpose of this kata.

    If someone knows a way to do this using recursion in C#, could you please point me in the right direction?

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