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    I'm not sure what's missing ?

    • turn the CamelCase into kebab-case
    • return ONLY lowercase letters

    There's not much more to say.

    I must agree though that we had to "guess" that some input would be in PascalCase and not camelCase, but a quick look at the description's examples and sample tests, and it gets obvious.
    I'm just saying, not much is missed, some katas are far less understandable, with only half a description for a complex problem in an approximative english...

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    I don't know what you're looking at, but I copied your code, and can clearly see the logs. For example, I see: "Lon ------ Rome:Jan (...)" in your console logs, but you're returning a value that's not -1. "Lon" isn't a valid city.

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    I guess you've been mislead by printing/reading stuff at the wrong place. For instance, you give neither the input nor the assertion message of the failing test, so nobody can help you.

    This might help:

    In any case, it's not an issue -> closing.


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    I agree BUT trying to read this comment gave me an anneurism.