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    Bugger. Don't you hate when you have just 'high fived' yourself for an awesomely concise method then, boom!!

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    Yeah, you should probably add it. That was the info that was causing me problems.

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    That kata made no sense. There are several solutions which seem to work. The creator should be more clear about what they want. From comments, "without changing the text" should probably be added. Changing all of the data from both keys and values would seem to be a cheat.

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    As with some of the other katas, sometimes the tests need to be run a few times to show flaws in the code. It would be great to include randomly generated tests before submission.

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    Ahhhhh, thanks for the pointer. I had one failing test I couldn't pin down

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    There are not enough tests included with this. I got through with an algorithm I know was incorrect and got through to 7 kyu. I feel dirty :(

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    Oooh, I love this site. I'd been scratching my head as to why my script didn't work for the first and last test in Ruby. Just discovered something I didn't know about the results of small integers divided by larger integers in ruby. Seems to be a couple of ways to handle it. Also applies to Python 2 apparently.

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    Figured out it was about how integers are handled. Not sure if the tests were supposed to teach that in particular but definitely learned something. Nice Kata sensei :)

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    Yeah, there should probably be something implemented in the final test suite that just copies the method name over. It's fair enough in your own tests because it's important to be able to check for errors in your own tests. This is the second time I've been caught and I only signed up yesterday :)

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    I'm only a few Katas in so am still getting used to codewars funtionality. It seemed that when I changed the method name to snake_case in the test cases that it caused a problem with the final test. Worked fine in my own. Had to change it back to camelCase to get through.

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