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    The number of results for n is ( on the order of ) n^2 - in that sense, you're just not going to find an O(n) solution.

    In terms of requested number of results, it can be done in O(n). You can't be calculating n over k for every result to do that, but following the description works.

    If iterating over n items in O(1) time were possible, solving P problems would be a lot faster.

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    I'm curious too.

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    @Chrono79 .sort Is not stable in Node v8 and v10, but it's stable in Node 12 and up. Now it's a kata problem for not enabling Node v12.

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    arr.length is a property of Array.prototype and the kata prohibited Array.prototype methods. And I agree with you, so many solutions are using temp array, the worse is that they are marked as clever...

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    I have solved it and got all testcases passed but not satisfied, in the sense that can it be done in linear time ?, like using two loops leads to O(n ^ 2). Can anyone please suggest the way or algorithm.

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    In solutions people use arr.length(which is part of Array.prototype) and also in description it was nowhere mentioned about replace is prohibited. Also clearly mentioned no temp array but in many solutions I can see temproary array being created. It seems kata is not properly described.

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    NO proper description, no test cases waste of time.

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    Please check if you can find anything helpful in this FAQ and if you tried everything and still no success, please share your code with us so we could take a look (remember about markdown formatting and spoiler flag). It is possible that there is some issue in the kata, but since you are the first one to report such problem, I somehow do not think it's really the case here.

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    I have used sort but took care of it during number comparision, and when I take the same random test and try it out in codepen I am able to get the expected result, 10 test cases are failing on clicking attempt. And whats more weird is when i try to use console.log() for input I am seeing 13 test cases failing. Very weird behaviour.

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    There is no issue with the kata, if you're using sort, it's not stable in javascript and that could be your problem.

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    I think there is an issue in the kata, like I am checking with my editor for even random tests its working but here it's not working. Could please help me out raising the issue.

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    Once I decoded the logic I felt it bit simple, but yes to get through right logic was the tough part. It was a nice kata.

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    Thankyou for providing a brief explaination regarding the Regexp. Very informative content.

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