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    I have a suggestion, if user starts following each other, we get a message saying particular user is following & follow back, it would be really good to have a chat feature so that we get to introduce each other?

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    The description says it should always return s3, s5 etc but the test failur result saying should return 4 but returning s4!!!!??

    Test Passed
    Test Passed: Value == undefined
    A Number is alaways a Number
    A function that is always 4 will always return 4 - Expected: 4, instead got: s4
    A function that is always 9 will always return 9 - Expected: 9, instead got: s9
    A function that is always 67 will always return 67 - Expected: 67, instead got: s67
    A function that is always 25 will always return 25 - Expected: 25, instead got: s25

    Can it be resolved please?

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    I just want to know how many honors will be awarded if user solves 5kyu & 6kyu katas?
    As every time i solve kata/s i just get only one honor :(

    I would like to know how the honor system works by solving katas please?

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    Is there any explanation why the below error is occuring although my code is working fine in other interpreter & browser JS console:

    Returned string - Expected: 1089.46, instead got: 1089.00

    I understand it returned string value rather than actual number value; I would appreciate if it can be resolved;

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    Thanks for the clarification bkaes, that did help :)

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    For random numbers am getting errors, for rest of it, it's working fine, i believe there will be decimal point in the result of randomly picked numbers like 88 & its square root is 9.38083151965 but after multiplication getting clear 88, its calculation in calculator and other online interpreter, it is working fine, but getting errors here!
    Could any one help me with what is happening? or is there any particular no. of decimal points are provided in the test cases, if so please update it in the description;

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    Is there any other requirements for this kata like if it has to be a object literal notation or constructor type as am keep getting message like "expected 4 but got NaN", but my code is working correctly in other interpreter but not in codewars!!?

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    Hi Zozo,

    Thank you for this info, The information re. the draft or beta process was very unclear for me, thus looking forward for the input on writing final test case/s, it will be fixed soon;

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    Hi Zozo,
    Yeah sure, we will implement it shortly, thank you;

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    Hi vferries,
    Hope you have read the description, it says the task is to create the pattern as shown in the description, it is in the process of beta :)
    we need to use the nested function and looping as the kata name says;
    Thank you :)

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    Hi Mortonfox,

    Please read the description it says "the task is to create the pattern shown" and the kata is in the process of beta,
    Thank you for your patience :)

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    Hi Zozo,

    I have provided the facility for the user to write their own test cases currently, it is currently under Beta process, should be able to provide you with the further details for errors shortly,

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    What is 'Validate Solution' in the kata creation page? which is in green highlight;

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    I would like know the more information bout 'code pairing feature', If we can get the info about how the honor points will be allocated if the kata has done by 2 or more?

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    Hi Jhoffner,
    I am trying to print a pattern using loops, ex:

    I jus wanted to know if I can help the user to view the pattern once she/he has writtern the code?

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